The Fallacy behind Evolution and the Divinity of Intelligent Design

Celestial Silhouette

Satan makes us doubt our origins. He tries to block our understanding that we are free-willed beings created with and for a divine purpose. When he strips away our purpose, he forces us to question our relationship with our creator.

One of the main ways he does this is through scientific manipulation. We use science in the form of testable, repeatable, observable, and verifiable events to explain the physical world around us. So why not use science to describe how those physical elements made us come into being?

Taking it a step further, why not use science to try to explain how mass was created, explain the parameters of time and space, and explain how something came from nothing? This is inexplicable of course and presents a severe challenge to the intellectually sound mind.

As fallen humans, we will never be able to explain how something came from nothing.

This was in fact recognized by one of the greatest scientific minds of the last few centuries, Albert Einstein. Einstein’s theory of matter conservation: that it can be neither created nor destroyed, still serves as one of the primary scientific building blocks today.

The additional question Einstein may have asked, is: “Where did that first set of matter come from?”

With our limited human knowledge, however, we dare not attempt to explain how something comes from nothing, because we cannot. (Satan and his demons can)

Instead, we attempt to explain how the things already here, came together randomly to form life. This is the arrogance of man.

This prideful nature of us fallen human beings is the closest trait we share with the temporary ruler of this world; that same serpent of old, the dragon, the father of lies, Satan. His hands rest squarely on the shoulders of most world leaders and the very elect.

After all, he and the rest of those fallen angels witnessed creation, our creation, and in their pride grew jealous. For we were not like them, we were created in the image of our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.

In these fallen angels’ rebellion, jealousy and arrogance, they sought to change the narrative. To take from us what was intended for us. To take from us our sense of identity, our sense of purpose and our divine link to our creator.

One of their main goals was to sever the relationship between us, our Father who art in Heaven, and our Lord Jesus Christ.

It was an agenda to steal, defame and destroy. He would steal from man this fresh dominion of earth that God had granted him; while simultaneously destroying the character of the creator in the eyes of all onlookers, especially man.

It was an agenda to sever the link between God and his greatest creations, for we are made in his image and likeness. In so doing Satan and his entourage could claim the earth and have dominion over it.

The plan was never overtly obvious. It was never plain and straightforward, because any being heavenly or otherwise, who knew the true aim of evil and self-exaltation would surely not condone it.

Instead, these demons relied on and still rely on subtle manipulation, twisted words, and supernatural cunning to win the hearts of man. To steal from man what was originally intended for him and attempt to elevate themselves as “Gods”.

The crafty trap that Satan and his gang laid was to sow doubt, make us question where we came from, and make us rely on our own limited and prideful knowledge. A reliance rooted only in what was visible to our limited sensory perception: the physical space, time and matter continuum.

United in our arrogance it was easy for these demons to subtly suggest that answers to our origins are not found in the word of God but rather can only be found through our own efforts and intellect.

A prideful suggestion that we as fallen human beings can readily relate to coming from fallen angels.

As a result, most of the world is deceived into thinking macro-evolution is a scientific fact.

We have created our own lore that life was born from a chemical and organic soup. It takes away the idea of a creator. It takes away any relationship we may have with that creator and it changes the way we look at our fellow human beings.

It also takes away our sense of divine purpose and the reason for our existence. An ingenious plan.

But you can’t expect anything less from Lucifer, an angel God created with such stunning features, abilities and perfection that he occupied a seat in the presence of God himself.

However, this angel so close to God became so proud of his perfection, that he sought to usurp God. This is how Lucifer became Satan. Lucifer’s bright morning light was dulled to darkness when inequity was found in him.

It is through this inequity that Satan masterminded one of his greatest schemes, the fallacy of macro-evolution. In this deception, which he presented through scientific theory masquerading as scientific discovery, was the notion that all life was born through a series of random events.

Species evolved into other species over billions of years. And there is no greater purpose to life than the survival of the fittest and becoming the best. Let all who get in your way be devoured, your fellow man is nothing but competition that you must step over to be the best. Your new and fallen purpose is to rise above the rest no matter the cost.

He smiles every time man defiles man and man defiles the character of God.

When macro-evolution is true, then there is no need for a creator. Without a creator, we have no divine purpose, we must use our lives to advance ourselves to the best state of existence possible at the expense of our fellow man.

When macro-evolution is true there is no intrinsic sense of right and wrong. There is no love. A person’s conscience and thought process is purely manufactured by society through external circumstance and teachings.

In our new fallen purpose of selfishness and prideful ambitions, we must seek survival, elevation and pleasure. Use any means necessary, because concepts like right and wrong are just the evolved brain recognizing the benefits of a pack mentality. Or as some agnostics may argue: an artificial societal construct.

When macro-evolution is true, life becomes binary, eat or be eaten, take or be taken from, kill or be killed. For we have evolved from the earth and shall return to it.

They’ve been teaching us this our entire lives. So much so, that if you believe that you were carefully created in the image of God, you are labeled as radical and crazy.

Satan, not Charles Darwin, is the mastermind behind these lies; postulating and propagating scientific theory as fact. The only thing true about evolution is micro-evolution; a gift of design by our creator.

Now utilizing micro-evolution as a scientific fact, the minions of Satan through the subtle cunnings of suggestion, juxtaposition, and manipulation have extrapolated micro-evolution to mean that macro-evolution must be true.

Micro-evolution is simply a change in gene frequency within a population. Evolution at this scale can be observed over short periods of time and largely describes the ability of organisms to adapt to their surroundings. The beauty of our design.

Through cell and DNA memory we are also able to resist disease and even undergo minor morphological changes over time as required. This is easy to show biologically and scientifically because it’s testable, repeatable, observable, and falsifiable, the hallmarks of scientific study.

However, according to Satan and those who are unfortunately manipulated, these gene changes can possibly become so radical and so random to the nth degree, that over billions and billions of years, new life and species can be produced.

Here as humans, we even contradict our own arrogant knowledge and definitions that science must be testable, repeatable, observable, and verifiable. Macro-Evolution is not testable, repeatable, observable or verifiable.

Instead, evolutionists are guided to elevate their theories to scientific fact, based on Jesuit and popular science, that without testing, repetition, observation, and verification they teach to the masses. They have created systems in which historical evidence and facts of scripture have been cast aside as mythology, to be replaced by man-made theories and a carefully orchestrated and peer-reviewed brand of science that the average human has come to know and trust.

In the end, we as humans choose which group of men to believe. Do we believe the ancient men, eyewitnesses, manuscripts, scrolls, and artifacts that talk about God’s physical interaction with man in Jesus Christ? Do we believe these men who were willing to die for what they had seen and experienced while recording the message and teachings for future generations? Do we believe a book, in the bible, that has been independently scrutinized by every sect of humanity and found to be consistent in its message, lore, literary style, and historical accounts, despite its authors being from different continents, timelines and having no prior knowledge of each other?

Or do we believe men who adhere to a specific brand of science that has been carefully directed and curated for generations by a special arm of the Vatican called the Jesuits; who, when sub-divided gave birth to societies such as the Freemasonry?

The subtle lies and suggestions of Satan and the societies and world governing bodies he works through, then persuade humans to conclude the following. Because beautifully designed organisms have the ability to adapt to their environment and surroundings, this same mechanism of adaptation is responsible for all life and its creation of it. In other words, we can extrapolate, micro-evolution over billions of years to become macro-evolution and this is responsible for all life.

Fish become reptiles, reptiles become mammals, mammals produce apes and apes sub-divide into man. Of course, none of this is testable, repeatable, observable, and verifiable, yet it is religiously taught in schools. Pun intended.

However, if you want to entertain the thought further, I encourage some independent research. Of course, the best place to start is by consulting the word of God through the bible, which is an accurate narrative of the past, present and future of mankind. I personally recommend the King James Version (KJV) and its close translations.

From an examination of the purely physical and scientific realm, consulting the work of scientists and evolutionary experts Michael Behe, John Lennox, and Steven Meyer is a great place to continue.

For those in academia and scientific study that resist fallacy and hypocrisy, Charles Darwin’s theory becomes ridiculous, when scientific fact replaces scientific theory.

It becomes even more so when you begin to realize that despite the fall of man, this ever-loving creator has charted a way back for us to be close to him.

He has made a way not as a prideful tyrant that needs our worship, faith and belief, but as a benevolent benefactor who puts our interests above all else. As beings created in his image and likeness, we were created to satisfy his divine hallmarks of relational integrity, love and co-regency